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Born London, United Kingdom; resides London / Melbourne















2018                          Washington DC. New York, Rome, Florence, Hong Kong.

2017                          Brussels, London, Canterbury, Rome, Paris

2016                          Hong Kong, Brussels, Weilsbeke, Angers, Paris, London, Manchester

2015                          Hong Kong, Brussels, Rome, Florence, Weilsbeke, London.

2014                          Kerala, Southern India, London, Brussels, Rome, Hong Kong, Dubai, UAE.

2013                          Hong Kong, Rome, New York, Southern India.

2012                          London, Dubai, Rome, Hong Kong

2011                          New York, Manchester, London, Rome, Dubai.

2010                          Hong Kong, Guangzhou, London.

2009                          Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, London, Hong Kong, Venice, Rome, Basel, Berlin, London, Guangzhou, China, Tibet.       

                                   Zurich, Lucerne, London.

2008-09                    Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Bahrain, Dubai, London, Belfast, Ireland, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chicago, New Harmony,

                                   New York, Los Angeles.

2007                          Hong Kong, Guangzhou China, London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow, Manchester, United Kingdom. Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, USA

2006                          Research: Paris (residency), Barcelona, London, Hong Kong, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Shanghai

2005                          Research, San Francisco, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris

2004                          Research / Installation. Paris, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong.

2003-04                    Residency, Cite Internationale des Arts

2001                          Doctor of Philosophy: Victoria University, Melbourne.

2000-96                    Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria University, Melbourne

                                   Research Field Trip: New York, London, Oxford, Cambridge. Belgium, Paris, Chartres, Angers, Bourge, Le Man,

                                   Avignon, Ravenna, Venice, Perugia, Spoleto, Florence, Rome

1992-94                    Master of Fine Arts, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University

1979-82                    Keith and Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship, Victorian College of the Arts, taken up in Paris, France.

                                  Research, atelier installations; USA, Britain, Europe. Resided Paris – 1980 -1983.

1977-78                    Postgraduate Diploma of Painting, Victorian College of the Arts. Melbourne.

1975-76                    Graduate Diploma of Art and Design, Preston Institute of Technology.

1974                          Study tour, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Edinburgh, Dusseldorf, Basel, Milan,

                                   Rome, Amsterdam (with Australian Artist Robert Hunter).

1972-73                    Diploma of Fine Art, Prahran College of Advanced Education.


2001                          Abstract and Figurative Elements of the Apocalypse and its Representations,

1996 - 01                  PhD. Victoria, University, Melbourne.
1994                          The Spiritual and the Mundane: Aspects of Scripture in the Modern World,

1992 - 94                  Master of Fine Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University
1978                          Breakdown of Space / Build up of Colour, 1978-79 VCA. PG. Dip. Melbourne University


INNOVATION 2005 – 2009 – 2017

Metasenta Pty. Ltd® Founder and Managing Executive Director: Dr Irene Barberis Founding Benefactor: Mr Po Chung: Founder; Po and Helen Chung Foundation, Hong Kong. Metasenta® is an international research satellite which links Universities and the wider Global Arts Community. The Metasenta Projects are instigated by Dr Irene Barberis and are in collaboration with International artists and Universities.

120 Langford Street: Gallery complex:

                Langford120 Directors: Dr Wilma Tabacco & Dr Irene Barberis

                The Global Centre for Drawing: Director: Dr Irene Barberis,

                Metaspace International: Curatorial Space, Director: Dr Irene Barberis

Global Centre for Drawing; Founder and Director (formally the International Centre for Drawing RMIT)

Metasenta Publications; Founder and Publisher

Global Art Intensive and Education Series

The Tapestry of Light Project





2018-19 Tapestry of Light, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC, I

               Two international Residencies, USA, Italy.

               Exhibition and Lecture SACI Gallery, New York, New York, USA  

2018       Irene Barberis, Psychochoreography: A Confluence of Thinking; Adrian L Page & Irene Barberis (Curator),

                AbstractionTwentyEighteen, Irene Barberis & Wilma Tabacco, Langford120,Melbourne, Australia

2017       Tapestry of Light Project. Brussels Cathedral, Belgium, Canterbury Cathedral, United Kingdom

2016       Contemporary Australian Drawing#6

2015       Contemporary Australian Drawing #5m SACI Art Institute, Florence.

2014       Lines of Thought #3, Crossforms x2, Langford120, Melbourne, Australia

                Apocalypse Re Looking/Tapestry of Light, installation, Visual Arts Centre, Latrobe University, Bendigo.

                Bower Bird:chairpouftablebagbookbinbottleblue, installation, Blue on Blue curated by Dr. Wilma Tabacco, Gallery Langford120,

                Melbourne, Australia

                Nature Mort. 'Dust 2012 - August18, 2014, Museum of Abject Sentimentality curated by Dr Philip Edwards, RMIT SOA Gallery,




CURATOR (2018-2013)

2018        On Drawing’ Invitational: Chinese University, in collaboration with Zurich University of the Arts, CUHK, Hong Kong.

                 EDGE (40 Artists), Langford120,

                 Passage Gallery; Langford120 GCfD International Program: Carole Robb (NY/Rome), Sarah Duyshart (RCA, London), Louise Lee,

                 (Hong Kong), Janet Passehl (USA)

                 Global Centre for Drawing Space: ‘…AND THEN…’ 14 International Artists, HK, Germany, USA, UK, Aust.

2017        Contemporary Australian Drawing #7 (100 Artists), Four Drawings: Barberis, Bradbeer, Southall, Tabacco, Langford 120      

2016        Contemporary Australian Drawing #6: Spatial Kinetics: The body and memory, somatics, transformation and change, The Bury Art Museum, Manchester, United Kingdom.

2015        Contemporary Australian Drawing#5: Facsimilies, SACI Gallery, SACI, Florence

                 Global Drawing Audit#1: Five Countries, 36 students, 6 Regional Editors/Curators, SACI

                  Institute, Florence, Italy

2014        ‘Location’, 32 International Artists, Dubai/Melbourne; Jam Jar Gallery, Dubai, Langford120, Melbourne

                 ‘On Location’, Rome Art Program, American University in Dubai

2013        Five Places, collaboration with Bury Museum, Bury, UK, Langford120, Melbourne

                  Thirteen, 17 Artists: [Australia 8, UK 4, USA 2, Hong Kong 3], Langford120, Melbourne, Australia.

                  Portraiture in Focus: Anita Taylor (UK) Irene Barberis (Australia) Helen Sturgess (UK), Janet McKenzie Langford120, Melbourne,         


                 Contemporary Australian Drawing #4: Reading the Space, New York Studio School, Main Gallery, N Y, NY

                 Re the Body #1, Bernhard Sachs, Wendy Stavrianos, Todd Fuller, Carl Scriberras of Flatline Dance Co., Langford120, Melbourne,


2012        Re: The Body 2: An exploration of the body - any body, Irene Barberis, Sarina Lirosi, Amie Oliver, Elizabeth Presa, Langford120,

                 Melbourne 2012                            

                 Bartlett, Byrt, Dall’Ava, Langford120, Melbourne

                  A Selection from Crossing the Line#2: Drawing in the Middle East exhibition, Gallery

                  Contemporary Australian Drawing #, Langford120

2011         Lines Of Thinking, Langford120, Melbourne.



2016/19 Barberis, I. 2016, Tapestry of Light: Intersections of Illumination, with Michelle. P. Brown (UK),

                David E. Mainwaring (Aust) W Tabacco (Aust), J McKenzie (UK), Museum of the Bible, USA

                Le Witt /Barberis Project, Ed J. Zimmer, Melbourne, Australia.


2014        Barberis, I. 2014, 'A parallel paper: Blurring edges', in The Drawn Word: 'Even if I write my name I am drawing', Studio

                 International and the Studio Trust, New York, NY, USA, pp. 106-111 ISBN: 9780983259954

                 Barberis, I. 2014 Tapestry of Light: Intersections Across the Gulf, in Design Research Institute Publication, Designs on the

                 Future, Urban Technology Nexus, Melbourne Books. ISBN9781922129536.

                 Barberis, I. Issue “Now Drawing…”. 6 invited International Writer/Artists  [Brett Littman [The Drawing Centre New York,

                 Domenico de Clario – Australia, Jane Dyer - China, Janet McKenzie - Scotland, Stephen Farthing, UK, Marcelo Guimeres Lima,

                 Brazil, Godwin Bradbeer, Australia], Guest Editor, Imprint Journal, Drawing Edition, June 2014; Article: pp.6, 8.


2013        Barberis, I 2012 What is a good drawing? Irene Barberis (response) in the Good Drawing, Chelsea College of Art and Design,

                 London, UK, pp.78 – 80. ISBN 9781908339010

                 Barberis, I. 2012, Apocalypse /Revelation: Re Looking, RMIT with Metasenta Publications, Michelle P. Brown, David E.

                 Mainwaring, Virginia Fraser, Bernard Muir. pp. 710 – 15 ISBN 9780987272447

                 Barberis, I. 2013, Portraiture in Focus, & Drawing on Two Worlds: Embarkation. Anita Taylor, Irene Barberis, Helen Sturgess,

                 Janet McKenzie, Sophia Errey, Chapter: Interstices: Personal musings on the portrait. Metasenta Small Book Publication #4,

                 Hong Kong. Pp49 – 67 ISBN9780987272447



2018-19 Preparation research/International Residencies, USA / Italy

                 Exhibition and lecture, SACI Gallery, New York City, New York, USA

                 Preparation research/Lecture series and floor talks, Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC. USA

2017        Keynote Address, Tapestry of Light Project, RMIT University, Melbourne (Tapestry of Light in Europe)

2016        Symposium Paper: Crossing the Line#3: Global Drawing: Intersections in Firenze, Clayton Hubbs Lecture Hall (Palazzo dei

                 Cartelloni), SACI Institute, Florence, Italy

                 Elected International Director: Crossing the Line#3, Global Drawing, Firenze, Symposium SACI Institute, Florence, Italy.

                 International Critic and Faculty Lecture: Apocalypse and the Church X2 (Lecture), Rome Art Program, Rome, Italy.

2015        International Critic and Faculty Lecture: Apocalypse and the Church (Lecture), Rome Art Program, Rome, Italy.

                 Master Drawing Workshop, SACI Institute, Florence Italy.

2014        Artist Residency, Tasara Center, Southern India. Tapestry of Light weaving/thread research.

                 Apocalypse: Re Looking (Lecture) Latrobe University, Bendigo/Midura link up, Bendigo Campus.

                 Elected International Chair for the Crossing the Line #2: Drawing in the Middle East Conference. Editorial board for CTL#2

                 International Critic and Faculty Lecture, Rome Art program, Rome

                 Scholar’s residency, British School in Rome, Rome, Italy.

                 Crossing the Line #2: Drawing in the Middle East; Paper; Location: Tracing the Lineage: Deconstructing the title, American

                 University in Dubai.

                 Master Drawing Workshop, American University in Dubai. United Arab Emirates

2013:       Collaborative project: 5 Places #2, with Tony Trehy, Director, Bury Art Museum: Tony Trehy, Curator, Magnus Quaife (UK),

                 Stephen Millar

                 UK), Langford120, Melbourne, Australia

                 Chair; Morning Session, Drawn Out Conference, RMIT/UAL. Melbourne, Australia

                 Invitation: International Critic and International Faculty for the The Rome Art Program: The Apocalypse in Church Art in Rome, a

                 focus on the Maria Maggiore Cathedral, and Maria Trastevere

                 ‘Reading the Space’, Curator’s Paper for CAD#4, New York Studio School, New York New York.



2018        On Drawing, collaboration Chinese University, Hong Kong, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland.

                  RMIT University, Florence Global Intensive (11 students), Florence Italy.

2017        Tapestry of Light Project, Brussels Cathedral, Belgium, Canterbury Cathedral, UK.

2016        Tapestry of Light Project, Weilsbeke, Flanders Belgium (process works)     

2015        International Director/Chair, Crossing the Line#3, SACI, Florence, Italy (ten countries participating)

2014        The Tapestry of Light; Lux, Lumen and Illumination: Dr I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring, Emerita Professor M.P.  Brown,

                 Professor B. Muir. Dr Janet McKenzie, RMIT University, Melbourne/UK

                 Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East 2, International Conference and exhibition program Global Centre for Drawing,

                 American University in Dubai.

2013        The Art and Science of Illumination: Tapestry of Light; intersections across the gulf; CI, Dr. I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring,

                 Emerita Professor M. P. Brown, Professor B. Muir. Artist Residency, Tasara Experimental Weaving, Sth. India

                 The Global Centre for Drawing: Reading the Space: Contemporary Australian Drawing #2, New York Studio School, New York.

                  Metasenta Publishing: Portraits in Focus, Sopha Errey, Anita Taylor, Irene Barberis, Helen Sturgess, Janet McKenzie. (Crossing

                  the Line: Drawing in the Middle East (Exec. Ed. I Barberis. Ed. J Mckenzie), Tapestry Of Light, Executive Editor I Barberis. Editor.

                  J. Mckenzie)).


2012        The Art and Science of Illumination: Tapestry of Light; Intersections Across the Gulf; CI, Dr I. Barberis, Professor D. Mainwarring,

                 Professor M. Brown, Professor B. Muir. (exhibitions, publication: Apocalypse: Re Looking)

                 Metaspace International: Gallery, 120 Langford Street, Melbourne. Curator, Crossing the Line: Drawing n the Middle East,

                 Australian component.

                 The Global Centre for Drawing; The DrawingSpace, Melbourne; 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.

                 Montana Group (formerly Artists in Leadership Project) Dialogue #2.

                 Metasenta : a new Paradigm in Arts Education © Palgrave Macmillan/Metasenta Publication. 2011 (TBC)

                 3 small Publications; Metasenta Publications, 2011/2012 (S. Farthing, T. Trehy, M. Lima)

                 Contemporary Australian Drawing#1, Metasenta Commission, Palgrave Macmillan Publication; Author; Dr Janet McKenzie,

                 contextualising essay, Dr Christopher Heathcote, Coda Dr. Irene Barberis

2011        International Chair, Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East, International Drawing Conference. RMIT University

                 collaboration American University in Dubai.

                 Metaspace International: National and International Curatorial Gallery, 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.

                  The Global Centre for Drawing; The DrawingSpace, Melbourne; 120 Langford Street, Melbourne.

                  Montana Group (formerly Artists in Leadership Project) Dialogue 2.

                  5 Places Project, Bury UK, Finland, Melbourne, Hong Kong.

                 Curated “ 5 Places – Chinese Artists, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Manchester, United Kingdom, in tandem with the Asia Triennial,


                 Collaborative Drawing Project: Global Drawing: Irene Barberis & Stephen Farthing (in process).

                  Metasenta: a new Paradigm in Arts education © Macmillan/Metasenta Publication. 2011

                  5 small Publications; Metasenta Publications, 2011/2012

                  Contemporary Australian Drawing, Macmillan/Metasenta Publication (in process) Metasenta Commissioned, Dr Irene Barberis;

                  Author; Dr Janet McKenzie, contextualising essay, Christopher Heathcote

2010        Metasenta Hong Kong: the DrawingSpace, Hong Kong, The Drawing Space, Dubai

                 5 Places Collaboration: Irene Barberis & Tony Trehy; Bury, Melbourne, Hong Kong.

                  International Centre for Drawing: Directors: Dr Irene Barberis, Melbourne; Professor Stephen Farthing, London: 3 exhibitions.

2009         Across the Gulf, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi.

                  Venice Agendas, 53rd Venice Bienniale, Wimbledon College of Art

                  Moving Cultures: Intercultural Dialogue, Tibet-Guangzhou – Western Team/10 Eastern team/7.

                  Across the Gulf: 22 Artists Collaboration with The 2009 Arc Biennale, Brisbane

                  Across the Gulf 2009 – Publication Metasenta Publishing.

                  Artists in Leadership – The Montana Group Lucerne Switzerland.

2008         The Chicago Project, Chicago. Publication; The Chicago Project: Fold-out Futures, Volume 1+2

                  RMIT Publishing, RMIT University, Edinburgh College of Art, Design Institute, RMIT, University

                  Co -Project Leader, with Professor Karen Forbes, Head ECA Painting and Drawing, Edinburgh, Scotland.

                  Moving Cultures: 2007 -2009. China, Australia, UK, Ireland, USA. (Twelve Universities, Four Associates)

                  Global Cities Institute RMIT University. Western Project Leader, Eastern Project Leader, Prof. Isadora Jiang

                  The DrawingSpace, Melbourne, International and National Artists, Activating Dormant Spaces, The Design Institute, RMIT

                  University. Instigator and Director: Dr Irene Barberis

                  The Centres Project, 2008-2009: Co Curator Irene Barberis and Steven Ball RMIT University, Central Saint

                  Martins, The University of Arts, London.

                 Across the Gulf: Bahrain, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Metasenta Projects, American University in Dubai.


2018        …andthen… three works, Langford120, Melbourne

                 Psychochoreography: a confluence of thinking, Irene Barberis & Adrian L Page (curator I Barberis), Langford120, Melbourne

                  Who’s afraid…? /Wilma Tabacco, Ellipsis Gallery, Langford120, Melbourne

2017         Tapestry of Light: Intersections of Illumination, Brussels Cathedral, Belgium

                  Tapestry Of Light: Intersections of Illumination, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, UK

                  Wall Drawing –Langford120, Melbourne

2016         Re Forming the Line: blow, cut, melt, Langford120, Melbourne.

                  Illuminating configurations, The Bury Art Museum, United Kingdom.

2015         All I wanted was the cut space pinned to the wall, Langford120, Melbourne

                  Vision du Ciel, Langford120, Melbourne

2014         Lines of Thought #3

                  Revelation /Apocalypse< Visual Arts Centre, Latrobe University, Bendigo Victoria

2013         Possibility Drawings: Cut it out!  It’s a wonderful world, Exhibition, Thirteen, Langford120, Melbourne, Aust.

                  Portraiture in Focus: a selection, Langford120, Melbourne, Australia

                  Tapestry of Light Lux, Lumen and Illumination. Convergence exhibition, curator, Fleur Watson, RMIT Design Research Institute, RMIT, Melbourne Australia

                  Silhouettes and coloured threads: Re the body #2: An exploration of the body – any body, Langford120, Melbourne, Australia

2012         Apocalypse/ Re Looking 1996 – 2012. Langford120, Melbourne, Australia.

2011         First Breath Last Breath’; Breathe, installation with Mike Parr, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Manchester, UK.

                  The Tapestry of Light; The Art & Science of Illumination and the Photon; an installation with Professor David Mainwaring, Gallery

                  Tashkeel, Dubai & Sharjah UAE.

2009         Apocalypse: Seven Histories in Futures, International Arc Biennale, Brisbane, 2009

                  Apocalypse: Room of Light, SOAG RMIT University, Melbourne

                  Writings on the Wall, Space Delawab, Belfast, Northern Ireland

                  Writings on the Wall 2, DrawingSpace, Melbourne

                  Tapestry of Light, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne, Australia

2008-         Drawing Revelation – Slow Release and Pink Mesh Holes, Project Space, Down Time, RMIT, Melbourne.

                   Installation: Rubber Constructions, JDMF. ECA Studio, Chicago, USA.

2007          Lux In Tenebris Lucet: with Godwin Bradbeer, SOAG, RMIT University, Melbourne.

                   20,000 Colours: The Artistic Gene; Four Generations of Women. Albury City Museum and Library, NSW.

2006          room of breath, Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney

                   breath; skin; light:  Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris

                   splats : four foil dresses and a pink cross /END frieze - Atelier show, Cite Internationale des Arts.

  2005        set of verbs/ visions and dreams, Square Gallery, RMIT City Campus Melbourne

                   Barberis from Lewitt, Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney

 2004         Lightlines; a Kinaesthetic Experience: reflections from the Frankston Public Art Project, in conjunction with

                   Steve Wright, of Steensen Varming Pty. Ltd. Span Gallery, Melbourne

                   Lineage of Light: Reading Wheels Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney

                   Crosses Stars + Circles, Noosa Regional Gallery, Queensland

                   Don't Take my Breath Away # 6plastique: Salle 3A, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France

                   Cut it Out! It’s a Wonderful World, Salle B, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France

                   Line of thought #2, Atelier 8113, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris France.

2003          #4 plastique: pink, Helen Maxwell Gallery, ACT

                  #5plastique: specula, Span Galleries, Melbourne

2002          Plastique. with S!X designers, Span Galleries, Melbourne

                  Breath - Four Corners, Artists Commune, Contemporary Gallery, Hong Kong

2001         October Paintings – 2001, compositional fragmentation / reflected everyday. Gallery Three, Span Galleries,


                  Breakdown of Space and the Build up of Colour 1978 – 2001, Built Pictures, SPAN Galleries, Melbourne.

2000         Seven Exhibitions. Abstract and Figurative Elements of the Apocalypse and its Representations, Span

                  Galleries, Melbourne.

                  Gallery One: Abstract and Figurative Elements of the Apocalypse

                  Gallery Two: Mosaics, Manuscripts, End Signs and Equations

                  Gallery Three: Windows and Wood Cuts

                  Gallery Four: Emblems and Allegories

                  Gallery Five: Reading Revelation and Glow in the Dark Wall Drawing (taped work),

                  Factory / Studio Space: A Polymerous Still Life; 2,000 sq. ft.

                  Front Space: Info - Overflow + Aftermath.

                  Apocalypse Circles, St. John's Southbank, Melbourne.

1999         Star Painting, From the Apocalypse, Figurative and Abstract Elements, Victoria University Gallery,


                  Saying it with Flowers, with Wilma Tabacco, RMIT Gallery, Storey Hall, Melbourne.

                  Albury Regional Art Gallery, Albury, NSW The University Gallery, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania. Geelong

                  Regional Art Gallery, Geelong, Victoria

                  Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Ballarat, Victoria.

1998        Saying it with Flowers (Wilma Tabacco), Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Adelaide.

                  Apocalypse Circle Series, and Ten Black Flowers, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.

1997         Red Horse / Revealed Geometry, Westpac Gallery, Melbourne

                  Line of Thought, Victoria University, Victoria University Gallery

1996         Charpentes, Latrobe Street Gallery, Melbourne.

1995         Four Exhibitions, The Spiritual and the Mundane - Aspects of Scripture in the Modern World. Luba Bilu

                  Gallery, Melbourne.

                  Space One: Symbols and Types, Heavenly Jerusalem, (wall drawing)

                  Space Two: The Spiritual and the Mundane

                  Space Three: Wheels Within Wheels.

                  Space Four: Separated Gatherings.

                  Transitional Installation: Micrography / Ten Pieces, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne.

1992         These Women - Where Honour's Due, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne.

1991         Recent Paintings, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne.

                  Geometer God, Luba Bilu – wall and window work, Melbourne.

1990         2 No. Plans, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne.

                  Wall Drawing, Build a picture milk cartons, Room Four, Linden, St Kilda Arts Centre, Melbourne.

1988         Miniatures, From The Douce Apocalypse, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne.

1986         Transitions; Angels lifting still lives into heaven – figurative and abstract constructions, United Artists,


                  Building Pictures: Ritz St Kilda – Majestic Studios, St Kilda.

1983-4     Mirrored Melbourne, two pieces-1000 images, Public Art Billboard Project, Victorian Ministry for the Arts

1979         100 paintings from the everyday and other materials, Pinacotheca, Melbourne.

1977         Fractured realism and coloured edges; Victorian Ministry for the Arts, Billboard, City Square, Melbourne.

                          (Two Pieces, 12ft x 20ft, painted on wood)



2007         INAROOM. London, Manchester, Chicago JDMF Gallery, Guangzhou, San Francisco

                 Cross Situations: Los Angeles, Cross, London, Chicago,

2006        my world my life, Melbourne, Australia

2006-       INAROOM. Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Hong Kong

                 Cross Situations#10 Twelve Locations, Barcelona

2005        Cross Situations#8 Twelve Locations, San Francisco

                 Cross Situations#9 Twelve Locations, Los Angeles 

2004        Cross Situations #2, Twelve locations, Frankfurt, Germany

                 Cross Situations #3, Twelve locations, Paris, France

                 Cross Situations #4 Twelve locations, London, Brighton, United Kingdom

                 Cross Situations #5 “‘Train Across’ the Interior of China”, China

                 Cross Situations #6 Twelve locations, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Israel

                 Cross Situations #7 Twelve locations, Sydney Australia

2003        Cross Situations#1.Twelve Locations, Melbourne, Australia

2000-03   Cut it out it’s a wonderful world, Melbourne, Paris           

2000-90   The Spiritual and The Everyday, Melbourne

1985-90   Building Pictures; Ritz St Kilda, Majestic Studios, St Kilda, Melbourne

1985-76   The cluttered Life: continuum. studio installations:

                  Piles of Paris Pieces/ new compositions; Studio installations and paintings, Paris

                  Pieces of the everyday 1976, 48 pieces; Still lives and paintings, Melbourne

                  100 pieces 1977 - 1979, Maples Lane Studio, Pinacotheca, Melbourne

1974        wall and canvas; used-masking tape and gridded canvas pieces, Prahran College house, St Johns Street

                 Prahran, Melbourne




2013        Intersections Across the Gulf; the Tapestry of Light

                 Reading the Apocalypse: Reading the Church: two Roman Churches, Rome, June

2012        Apocalypse: Re-looking

2006        Converging Perceptions of Hospitality and the Apocalypse: Dr. Irene Barberis, Dr. Elizabeth Presa, St. Johns

                 Lutheran Church, South Bank, Melbourne

2005        Intersections - reading the space: San Francisco Jewish Museum, USA

                 Intersections - reading the space, Irene Barberis, Parastou Forouhar, Jane Logemann, Jewish Museum of

                 Australia, Melbourne (travelling)

                 Metaspace, Gertrude Street Galleries, Studio 11, Irene Barberis / Parastou Forouhar (with performance piece

                 and film), Melbourne, Australia

1998        Saying it with Flowers, with Wilma Tabacco, RMIT Gallery, Storey Hall, Melbourne



2011        INTERNATIONAL CHAIR: Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East#1, intersections of transdisciplinary practice and

                 understanding.  American University in Dubai

                 Keynote 2011: Coda: Space of the Leap | Keynote as a Drawing

2013        The Tapestry of Light:  Symposium, RMIT Design Research Institute, International speakers, Emerita Michelle P. Brown, Emeritus

                 Professor Margaret Manion, and Professor Davis Mainwarring

2014        International Chair: Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East #2, intersections of transdisciplinary practice and


                 Paper: ‘Psychochoreography’: everyone has their own mark.

                 American University in Dubai with The Global Centre for Drawing.



2018…       EDGE; 40 artists, Langford120, Melbourne

                  AbstractionTwentyEighteen, Langford120, Melbourne

2017         Chromatopia: A history of Colour, Tacit Gallery, Melbourne

                  Contemporary Australian Drawing #7 + Four Drawings: Barberis, Bradbeer, Southall and Tabacco

                  9x5 Now, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, VCA, Melbourne University, Melbourne. 

2016         Atrocities across my face: in solidarity, Mir Zehnen Do – We are here, Curated by Dr Helen Light, Glen Eira Art Centre, 


2015         Psychochoreography; concentric wall drawing, 2014, Contemporary Australian Drawing#5: Facsimiles, SACI Gallery, Florence, Italy

2014         Blue, Curator Wilma Tabacco, Gallery Langford120, Melbourne. 

2013         ‘Reading the Space: rainbow text’, Contemporary Australian Drawing #4, New York Studio School, NY, USA

2013         5 Places Project: Magnus Quiffe, Stephen Millar, UK Curator Tony Trehy/irene Barberis,

                  Langford120, Melbourne

                  Thirteen, Curator, Irene Barberis, Langford120, Melbourne

2012         Non Objective, Curator, Steve Wickham, Langford120 Gallery, Melbourne.

                  Contemporary Australian Drawing#2, University of the Arts, London.

2011         ‘Lines of thinking’ Global Centre for Drawing, Langford120 (November 2011)

                  Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East; Intersections of understanding (November. 2011)

                  100 Drawings, Black Arts @ Global centre for Drawing, Langford120 (November 2011)

2010         Contemporary Australian Drawing 1, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne

                  Magnetic Islands, Project Space, RMIT University, Melbourne

                  Speculum: Drawing Time: Metasenta Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                  Speculum: Drawing Time, Barberis, Farthing, Lydiat, Trehy, The DrawingSpace (a Metasenta Project) American University in


2009         Tibet; Moving Cultures, The Art Space, Lhasa, Tibet

                  Tibet; Moving Cultures, Orange Gallery, Guangzhou, China

                  Interviews (sound): Venice Agendas, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, University of the Arts London

                  Agency of Words, Text Festival, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Manchester, UK.

2008         Centres Project: Transcentric (Co Curator) Lethaby Gallery, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London

                  Rolled up, Rolled Out: (Curator), SOAG, RMIT University, Melbourne

                  Fast Forward, Seventh Gallery Melbourne, ECA space, Edinburgh

2007         Fold out Futures Chicago Project, Chicago, USA

                  Drawing 2007 - Biennial Fundraiser, London, United Kingdom

                  Living Elvis, RMIT Storey Hall Gallery, RMIT University

                  Small Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne, Australia

2006         skin + peel with Dr Elizabeth Presa, St Johns Lutheran Church, Southbank, Melbourne

                  FLOAT, Project Space, RMIT, Melbourne

                  Summer Show, Esa Jaske, Gallery Artists, Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney, NSW                 

2005         Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize (finalist), Bendigo Regional Gallery, Victoria

                  Expiration: Project Space, RMIT University, Melbourne

2004         Group Show; Selections from Sol Le Witt Personal Collection, Le Witt Gallery, Suffield Academy, Connecticut, USA

                  Group Show / Span Galleries for Melbourne Art Fair 2004

                  Precious Platters, Australian Jewish Museum, Melbourne

                  White Tube, White Tube Gallery, Hong Kong

                  Fluoresce, Area Gallery, Melbourne

2003         Return Nature:  Pastoral. Nanjing, Shenghua Arts Centre, China

                  Gallery Artists- Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney, Australia

2001         Colour, curated by Professor Jenny Zimmer, Smyrnios Gallery, Melbourne

                  A Studio in Paris. S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney, NSW (travelling to Paris, France)

                  Death and Decoration; Glen Eira City Gallery, Melbourne University of Tasmania, Launceston University

                  Gallery, Tasmania; Mildura Art Centre, (2001-2002)

                  Country Arts, South Australian tour.

                  We are Australian, Canberra Museum and Art Gallery, Canberra, ACT. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Tasmania. Glen Eira   

                  Art Gallery, Melbourne

2000         Death and Decoration, Plimsol Gallery, University of Tasmania, Tasmania

                  We Are Australian, Volvo Gallery, Sydney; venues Australia wide, Regional, Commercial Galleries

                  Seventh Melbourne Art Fair 2000, SPAN Galleries Stand, Royal Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne, Victoria

1999         Exposure - Artists Portraits of Artists, Linden Gallery, Melbourne

                  Paper Works: Australian Artists, National University, Seoul University, Korea

                  Overview, Linden Gallery Melbourne

1998         Web, Warp, Weft, Woof, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne

                  Nature-Traditional and Contemporary Visions; Gympie Regional Gallery, Queensland

1997         Invitee, The 1997 John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize, National Gallery of Victoria

                  Latrobe Artists; Group Exhibition, Latrobe Street Gallery , Melbourne

                  Notations - 40 Artists, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne

                  Cuts Irene Barberis and Wilma Tabacco, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne

                  The Embellished Egg, Mornington Peninsular Regional Art Gallery, Victoria

                  The Wandering Jew, Myth and Metaphor; Benalla Art Gallery, Benalla, Victoria, Horsham Art Gallery,

                  Migration Museum, Adelaide South Australia, Shepparton Regional Art Gallery, Victoria

1996         The Wandering Jew; Myth and Metaphor, Australian Jewish Museum, Melbourne, Warrnambool Art Gallery,

                  Vic, Noosa Regional Gallery, Qld, Albury Arts Centre, NSW

                  The Art of Collecting #2, Linden Gallery, Melbourne

                  Mono Prints, selection of gallery artists, Latrobe Street Galleries, Melbourne

1995         Best Face Value for Autumn, Woolongong City Art Gallery, NSW

                   '9 x 5' Invitation Exhibition, Robert Lindsey Gallery, Melbourne

                  Selections from the State Galleries, S.B.S. Building, Sydney, NSW

                  The Wandering Jew: Myth and Metaphor, The Australian Jewish Museum, Melbourne

1994         Unpeeled Art (painting and Installation), Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Ballarat, Victoria

                  An Increase in Assets, Acquisitions over the Last Five Years, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Victoria

                  Love and Ruin, St. Kilda Town Hall, Melbourne

                  Girls Own, Boys Own - Football Exposure, Linden Art Gallery, Melbourne

                  Who's Who and Who's Hot, Kirkaldy Davies Gallery, Melbourne

1993-94   Arrangement, Australian Still Life 1973 - 1993, Museum of Modern Art at Heidi, Melbourne

                  Selections from the Heidi Collection, Heidi Park and Art Gallery, Melbourne.

1993         One Flesh - Two, collaboration with Adrian Page, Launceston Museum and Art Gallery, Tasmania

                  Vitae: A.I.P. #7', Fifth Sculpture Triennial, RMIT Faculty Gallery, Melbourne

1992         Food in Art, Gallery at Tolarno, Melbourne

                  Third Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Luba Bilu Stand, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne

                  Conrad Jupiters Art Prize, Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Qld

                  Inherited Absolute, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne

                  Review 1992, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne

                  One Flesh - One, collaboration with Adrian Page, Gallery at Tolarno, Melbourne

1991         Freedom of Choice, Heidi Park and Art Gallery, Melbourne

                  Recent Lithographs, Muka Studios, Auckland, New Zealand

                  Mandorla Prize Exhibition, New Norcia, Western Australia

                  St Kilda Scapes, Council Chambers, City of St Kilda, Melbourne

                  Review 1991, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne

                  Youth Prints, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, New Zealand, Sydney, Melbourne

1990         100 Artists Against Animal Experimentation, Deutcher Galleries, Melbourne

                  Between the Lines, an installation publication, No 2, The Lounge, Melbourne

1989         Artists, Trees and Toys, Australian Centre of Contemporary Art, Melbourne

                  Mandorla Prize Exhibition, New Norcia, Western Australia

1988-89    Images of Religion in Australian Art, Murdoch Court, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

1988         Two Australian Artists / Cultural Exchange, Pun Yu, China

                  Two Australian Artists / Cultural Exchange, Guangzhou, China      

                  First Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Luba Bilu stand, Royal Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne

1987         United Artists at Mori Galleries, Mori Galleries, Sydney, NSW

                  Young Australians, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

1986         Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW

1985         6 Drawing, Tasmania School of Art Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania

1984         Spring Festival of Drawing, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Victoria

1983         Figures and Faces Drawn from Life, Heidi Park and Art Gallery

                  New Art Selections from the Michelle Endowment, Victorian National Gallery, Banyule Gallery, Melbourne

1982         Group Exhibition, members of the Cite' Internationale des Arts, Cite' Internationale des Arte, Paris, France

                  Placed; from the everyday Installation, collaboration with Gary Goldstein (Israel) Studio 111, Paris France

                  Preston to Phillip, A survey, Reconnaissance Gallery, Melbourne

1981         Group Exhibition, "many many things”, Cite' Internationale des Arte, Paris, France

1979         Still Life Still Lives, “48 pieces, beauty and detritus”  -Glenfiddich Company, Sydney Opera House, NSW

                  Ballarat Regional Fine Art Gallery, Victoria.

                  Keith and Elizabeth Travelling Fellowship Exhibition, Victorian College of the Arts Gallery, Melbourne.

1978         Graduate Exhibition, Victorian College of the Arts Gallery, Melbourne.

                  Eight Women Realists, Victorian College of the Arts Gallery, Melbourne, Coventry Gallery Sydney, NSW

                  Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Qld.

1976         Drawing, Some Definitions, Ewing and George Paton Galleries, Melbourne University,

                  Melbourne, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Queensland.



2009        International Public Art Award, Bury City Centre, “ Three in One –the Rock Project” Manchester, UK (not taken up)

                 RMIT University, Design Research Institute Grant: Tapestry of Light: history into Futures

                 Funding; Metasenta Pty. Ltd®

2008-       Funding: Metasenta Projects, RMIT University

2007        ‘City Centre’, Shortlisted for International Public Art Project. Bury City Centre Manchester, United Kingdom

2006        Museums Australia, Jewish Museum – Honourable Mention for Intersections – Reading the Space.

2006        Frankston “new circular lighting Project”

2005-       Frankston Bayside, new glass Sculpture work "Ellipse"

                 Finalist, Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize. Bendigo Art Gallery, Australia

2004        Frankston Commission, Eight Works – A Kinaesthetic Experience”, major sculptural work, Pivot

2003        Arts Victoria, New Work Development Grant

                 Selection- finalist, Docklands Lighting Project, ARM architects (5 shortlist)

2002        Lighting Project, Geelong Arts Precinct, with Brecknock Consulting

1999        Victoria University Postgraduate Research Fellowship Australian Postgraduate Award, H.E.C.S Scholarship

1998        Victoria University Postgraduate Research Scholarship

                 Australian Postgraduate Award, H.E.C.S Scholarship

                 Airfare and Travel Grant, Victoria University

                 Nets Victoria, Exhibition Development Fund Grant, Saying it with Flowers

1997        Victoria University Postgraduate Research Scholarship

                 Australian Postgraduate Award, H.E.C.S. Scholarship

                 Invitee, The 1997 John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize, National Gallery of Victoria

1996        Australian Postgraduate Award, H.E.C.S. Scholarship  

1995        Five Soft Sculptures, Art in Public Spaces, Melbourne City Council

                  Prepared Table, Lowther Hall, Anglican Girls Grammar School, Melbourne

                  Architect / Artist collaboration, Maggie Edmond (Edmond and Corrigan) - presentation only - The Women's

                  Building, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

                  Boxes, (design) Tokyo, Japan, Melbourne.

                  Daniel Joles, portrait commission, Melbourne

                  Visual Production, Bart mitzvah, Mount Scopus, College, Melbourne

                  Noel Counihan, Portrait purchase, Albury Regional Gallery, NS Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong 


1994        Artist in Residence, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW

                  Esther; Concept and visual production collaboration with Alida Chase, (former member of the Australian

                  Ballet Company, Netherlands Dance Theatre, Frankfurt Ballet Company)

                  Master of Fine Art: The Spiritual and the Mundane, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University

1993         H.E.C.S. Scholarship, Master of Fine Art, V.C.A. Melbourne University

                  Drina; A Modern Dance Piece, collaboration with Alida Chase, Studio 1. Victorian College of the Arts,


                  Rubies and Carbuncles, a modern dance piece, collaboration with Alida Chase, Greenmill Choreographic

                  project, Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne

1992         H.E.C.S. Scholarship, Master of Fine Art, V.C.A. Melbourne University, Melbourne

1991         Australia Council, Visual Arts / Craft Board, Artists Development Grant

                  Artist in Residence, (Lithographic), Muka Studios, Auckland, New Zealand

                  Prismatic Still Life (painting), Prism Paints, Melbourne

                  Eight Banners, collaboration with Elizabeth Gower, Melbourne Cricket Club, Great Southern Stand Arts

                  Commissions, architect, Daryl Jackson, Melbourne

1990         Maggie and Mathew, portrait commission, Edmond and Corrigan

                  Artist in Residence, Mount Scopus College, Melbourne

                  Artist in Residence, Victoria College, Ceramic Department, Melbourne

                  Beltshazzar, costume drawing for Peter Corrigan, Theatre Works, Melbourne

1989         Children's Workshops, (invitation) Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne

                  Dr. Henry Kranz, portrait commission

                  Visual Production, Richmond A.O.G. Theatre Production, Melbourne

1989         Playbox Panel Painting, Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne

1988         Artist in Residence, (Kyneton), - not taken, Victoria

                  8' X 28', Factory work, commission for John Sands Collection, Melbourne

1987         Visual production, Cultural Exchange, Pun Yu Province and Guangzou, China

1986         Andrew Barton, Portrait commission, Victoria

1985         Artist in Residence, Melbourne Boys Grammar, Melbourne

                  Sybil Craig, Selected Drawing Prize, Mornington Peninsular Art Centre, Vic

1984         Two Billboards, Victoria's 150th Anniversary, Victorian Ministry for the Arts Melbourne

1982         Portraits, commissions for subjects of Paris and Britain

                  Blue Print, blueprint for the British Embassy Church mural, Paris, France

                  Accepted for Master of Fine Arts, Chicago Institute of Art, Chicago, USA

                  Scholastic scholarship, value $6,000 USA (not taken up), Chicago Institute of Art. USA

1981         Sculpture Studio, six month residency, Cite' Internationale des Arte, Montmartre, Paris, France

1980         Dyson Grant, Art Gallery of NSW Sydney, NSW

1979         Glenfiddich Painting Acquisition, Sydney Opera House, NSW

                  Australia Council, Visual Arts Board Project Grant

                  Keith and Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

1979         Power Studio, Residency, Cite' Internationale des Artes, Paris, France, Sydney, University,

                  Australia Council, Visual Arts Board Residency, Vence, France

1978         N.S. Eckersley Scholarship, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

1977         Fractured and Cluttered – 12ftX 18 ft: Art in the Streets Project, Six Artists, Selected for installation

                  City Square, Ministry for the Arts, Melbourne

1976         Glimpses, Visual Design, collaboration with Claire Robertson, Graeme Murphy, Australian Ballet Company,


                  Glimpses, Visual Design, collaboration with Claire Robertson, Sydney Dance Company, NSW



2011                          ‘5 Places’, Mike Parr and Irene Barberis, Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Bury, Manchester, UK.

2009                          ‘Across the Gulf”, 22 Artists from the Gulf, ARC International Biennale Brisbane.

2007                          20,000 Colours, The Artistic Gene, Four Generations of Women, Albury City Museum

2005-6                      Intersections - reading the space, Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, San Francisco Jewish

                                   Museum, San Francisco, USA




CURATED EXHIBITIONS                                  



CURATED EXHIBITIONS                                  


CURATED EXHIBITIONS:                                



1998-99  Director / Curator, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne

1997        Curator, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne



                  Specifically installed by Irene Barberis.

1999         Susan Hewitt and Fran Van Riemsdyke at Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne

                  Sterographics, John. R. Neeson

                  Drawing, Central Park, New York. Mary Tonkin

                  Real Abstraction, Wilma Tabacco, Jan Murray, Robin Kingston, Craig Easton guest curator, Wilma Tabacco

                  Exposure: Artists Portraits of Artists; Warren Brenninger. In collaboration with Linden Gallery, St. Kilda, Melbourne

                  Exposure: Artists Portraits of Artists, (38 Artists), Linden Gallery

                  Curated in collaboration with Anne Harris, Director: Linden Gallery Melbourne.

                  Star Painting 1999 from the Apocalypse, Abstract and Figurative Elements: Irene Barberis

                  Melbourne's Marvellous Tapestries, Gareth Sansom, Dale Hickey, Jimmy Pike, Ginger Riley, Victorian

                  Tapestry Workshop at Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne.

1998         Notations - 40 Artists, Installation Irene Barberis

                  Victoria University, The Heart of the Machine: Loy Lichtman & Megan Evans

                  Complicity: A Theorem and its Corollary- Mark Stoner

                  Far Away, Guest Curator, Professor Jenny Zimmer

                  Verisimilitude: Godwin Bradbeer 

                  Hidden and Revealed x 3 Adrian. L. Page

                  Walk and Wave: Kevin Wilson and Nicole Vevoeden - Cash


1997         Selections From The Victoria University Collection

                  Line of Thought-Victoria University (96’-97): Authors, Victoria University Gallery, Melbourne

                  Paper Installation Piece, Line of Thought: Irene Barberis

                  Digital Landscapes, Barbara Grossman, Victoria University - Multi Media - Life, Dept. Electrical Engineering

                  Cuts, Installation, Wilma Tabacco and Irene Barberis

                  Photoworks; Ponch Hawkes, Women in Science and Engineering.

                  Notations - 40 Artists, Installation Irene Barberis



                  Global Centre for Drawing @ Langford120

                  Langford120 Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

                  Metaspace International, based in Melbourne.

                  Esa Jaske Gallery, Sydney

                  Span Gallery, Melbourne

                  Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne

                  United Artists, Melbourne

                  Pinacotheca, Melbourne



                   Sol Le Witt Private Collection, Chester, New York, USA

                   Le Witt Collection, Spoletto, Italy

                   Suffield Acadamy Lewitt Gallery, USA

                   Murdoch Collection, New York, USA, Australia

                   Western Mining Corporation Collection, Australia

                   Monash University Collection, Melbourne.

                   Museum of Modern Art at Heidi Collection, Melbourne

                   National Gallery of Victoria, Michele Endowment

                   Museum, of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa

                   Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, Brussels

                   Albury Regional Art Gallery, NSW

                   Geelong Regional Gallery, Victoria

                   Heide Museum and Art Gallery

                   Newman College; Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia

                   Artbank, Australia wide

                   Art Purchase Program, Visual Arts Board, Australia

                   Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Ballarat, Victoria

                   B.H.P. Collection, Australia

                   Woolongong City Art Gallery, NSW

                   Mornington Peninsula Gallery Collection, Victoria

                   John Sands Collection, Melbourne

                   Bank Collections, Melbourne, Australia

                   Budget Collection

                   Canterbury Cathedral

                   Ballarat Regional Fine Art Gallery

                   St Kilda City Collection, Melbourne

                   Muka Collection, Aukland, New Zealand

                   Private Collections, Australia

                   Private Collections, London, UK, Paris, France, New York, San Francisco, USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East



2015-18                    Senior Lecturer, Drawing, Global Intensives, Florence, Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong 


2014                          Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, Melbourne

                                   Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong x2

                                   International Critic, and International Art Historian Lecture, Rome Program (New York based), Rome.

                                   International Chair and Curator: Drawing in the Middle East 2, Dubai (GCfD & American University in Dubai)

2013                          Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, Melbourne

                                   Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong x2

                                   International Critic, & International Art Historian Lecture, Rome Program (New York based), Rome.

                                   “Reading the space: Contemporary Australian Drawing #3, New York Studio School, New York.


2012                           Senior Lecturer, Expanded Studio Practice, RMIT University, RMIT University,

                                    Senior Lecturer, Painting, RMIT Offshore program, Hong Kong. Researcher; International projects.

                                    Drawing Out (2) Conference, University of the Arts, London, Paper: A Parallel Paper: Blurring Edges. Curator: 84

                                    Australian Artists, “Contemporary Australian Drawing2, University of the Arts London, London.

                                    International Critic for The Rome Program (New York Based), Rome.

                                    Tapestry of Light Project, Langford120 Lecture.


2011                          International Chair; “Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East; Intersections of practice and understanding. Keynote

                                   Speaker (one of four). Curator; ‘Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East’, 22 Artists: Australia, UK, Middle East,

                                   Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai.

                                   Visiting Lecturer: Discussions; American University of Dubai, Tashkeel, Galleries, Dubai, UAE.

                                   Researcher and Senior Lecturer, RMIT SOA Melbourne / The Art School Hong Kong

                                   Founding Director; Metasenta International Studio School.


2010                          Curator/ Lecture; RMIT Gallery, RMIT University; Contemporary Australian Drawing 1.

                                   Invitation: Steering Committee of the 2010 ‘Drawing Out’ Conference, RMIT/UAL.

                                   Invited Chair Parallel Session Chair: Drawing in / Drawing is a way of Thinking, The Drawing Out Conference, RMIT

                                   Storey Hall Auditorium, RMIT University, Melbourne, April 9. Senior Lecturer, SOA, RMIT University, Melbourne/Hong

                                   Kong 2009. Developing Drawing through meetings and International Projects between Metasenta, RMIT and the

                                   University of the Arts London. Senior Lecturer SOA, RMIT University, Melbourne/Hong Kong

2008                          Co-Head Drawing, RMIT SOA, RMIT University, Developed Drawing through meetings and International Projects

                                   between Metasenta, RMIT and the University of the Arts London.

                                   Lecturer Hong Kong, Painting and Drawing.

                                   Apocalypse – Tapestry of Light, Artists Talk, VTW, Melbourne

2007                          ‘SOL LEWITT: Vignettes’, National Gallery of Victoria, Australia

                                   Co’ Head, Drawing Department, RMIT University, Melbourne

                                   Director:  MetaSenta  Projects  (International)

                                   Initiator: Ducan of Jordanston, inaugural ‘Drawing Lab’ Workshop

                                   Initiator / partnership ‘Chicago Project’, RMIT University and Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland,

                                       and John David Mooney Foundation, Chicago USA.

2006                          Director: MetaSenta Projects, RMIT University

                                   Lecturer, RMIT Drawing, Melbourne, RMIT Drawing and Painting, Hong Kong. RMIT University

                                   Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne Painting and drawing Program, Hong Kong

                                   Lecture/workshops (for Intersections Exhibition and Education Program), National Gallery Victoria,

                                   Jewish Museum of Australia, Presentation College (working with Year eleven Students from five                            

                                   schools - Jewish, Christian and Muslim for the exhibition 'Young Intersections, concurrent with                                 

                                   Intersections - reading the space)

2005                          RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong

2004                          RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong

2003                          RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong

2002                          RMIT University, Fine Art Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong

2001                          RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne, Hong Kong

                                    RMIT Hong Kong Arts Centre, Drawing and Painting

                                    National Gallery of Victoria, Lecture: Education Program

2000                          RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne. Painting, Hong Kong

1999                          RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne

                                    RMIT, Hong Kong Lecturer, Painting Department

                                    Monash University, Fine Arts, Drawing, Melbourne

                                    Launceston University, Lecture: Launceston, Tasmania

                                    Albury Regional Art Gallery, Lecture: Saying it with Flowers. Albury, NSW

1998                           Preston Tafe Institute, Lecture, painting, Melbourne

                                    Swinburne Secondary College, and Tafe Lecture; Painting, Melbourne

1997                           Monash University, Drawing, Melbourne

                                    La Trobe Street Gallery School of Art and Design, Tutor; Painting and Drawing, Melbourne

1996                           RMIT University, Fine Art, Melbourne

                                    Monash University, Drawing and Painting, Melbourne

                                    Geelong Art Gallery, Drawing Workshop, in conjunction with the Alan Davis Exhibition, Geelong,


                                    RMIT University, Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne

1995                           Monash University, Drawing, Melbourne

1995                           National Gallery of Victoria, Artist Talk, Education Services Department. Melbourne

                                    National Gallery of Victoria, Master Drawing Workshop, Education Services Department, Melbourne

                                    Monash University Artist Talk, Caulfield campus, Melbourne

                                    Ballarat University, Artist in Residence, Ballarat; Victoria

                                    Australian Jewish Museum, Artist Talk, (x2), Melbourne

                                    Australian Jewish Museum, Seminar; The Wandering Jew, Myth and Metaphor, Melbourne

                                    Interview; Radio National. 6.11.1995, The Wandering Jew, Myth and Metaphor, Rachel Cohn with

                                    Vic Majzner, Heather Eliard and Irene Barberis

1994                          RMIT University, Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne

                                   New Arts Studio School, Co Director/Administrator, Lecturer, in collaboration with Elizabeth

                                   Gower and John. R. Neeson, Melbourne

1993                          Monash University, Drawing, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne

                                    Co Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne

1992                          Phillip Institute of Technology, Fine Art, Painting, Bundoora Campus, Melbourne

                                    Co Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne

1991                          Painting and Drawing Courses, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

                                    Linden Gallery, Colour Theory Classes, Intermediate and Advanced, St Kilda, Melbourne

                                    Linden Gallery, Children's Workshops, St Kilda

                                    Co Director / Administrator, Lecturer, New Arts Studio School, Melbourne

1990                           Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Painting and Drawing Courses, Melbourne

1988                           RMIT University, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne

                                    Private Classes

1987                           Victorian College of the Arts, Painting and Drawing, Melbourne

                                    Victoria College, Tafe, Drawing, Melbourne

                                    Glenhuntly Rehabilitation Centre, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Melbourne

1986                           Victorian College of the Arts, Painting, Postgraduate and Undergraduate, Melbourne

                                    Glenhuntly Rehabilitation Centre, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Melbourne

                                    Private Classes

1985                           Victoria College, Tafe, Drawing, and, Melbourne

                                    Victoria College, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne

1984                           Life Painting Installation, Painting, Victoria College, Melbourne

                                    Victoria College, Fine Art, Drawing, Melbourne

1982                           British Embassy Anglican Church, St. Michaels, Painting Classes, Paris, France

1976-80                     Private Classes, Workshops, Folio Development, Painting and Drawing.

                                    Darwin Community College, Guest Lecturer, Northern Territory


PUBLICATIONS 2000 - 2014

2014         Guest Editor; Imprint Magazine ‘Now, Drawing...’

                  The Drawn Word: Even if I write my name I am drawing (Chapter), Studio International Publication/University of the Arts

                  London, RMIT University, Melbourne

2013         Metasenta Publications: Portraiture In Focus & Embarkation, ed. J. McKenzie Sophia Errey, Anita Taylor, Irene                 

                  Barberis, Helen Sturgess, Janet McKenzie, 2013

                  Crossing the Line: Drawing in the Middle East, ed. J Mckenzie, I Barberis, S Farthing, M Lima (Key note addresses, & 8 papers) 2013

                  Tapestry of Light: ed. J McKenzie, I. Barberis, D Mainwaring, Michelle. P. Brown, B. Muir, 2013.

                  Metasenta: a new Paradigm in Art Education© including Tibet: Moving Cultures, Collaboration a Macmillan/Metasenta

                  Publication 2012. (in process)

2012         Apocalypse: Re Looking, Feminale and the edge of logic, Ed. J McKenzie, Melbourne, 2012.

                  Good Drawing, Ed. S. Farthing, K. Chorpening, Bright Series 7, University of the Arts London.

                  Metasenta: a new Paradigm in Art Education© including Tibet: Moving Cultures, Collaboration a Macmillan/Metasenta

                  Publication 2012. (in process)

                  Contemporary Australian Drawing# 1, Collaboration; Palgrave Macmillan Publishing and Metasenta ® Pty.Ltd,

2011         Small Book Series: Heterachronia, Marcelo Lima,

                  The Death of Poetry, Tony Trehy, Publication’

2009         Across the Gulf, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi 2009 Au/Ed, Dr. Irene Barberis/Keith Winter,” Metasenta Publications, Melbourne –

                  Hong Kong.

2008         The Chicago Project; Fold-out Futures, Volume 1 & 2 Ed. Dr. Irene Barberis, RMIT Publishing, Melbourne, 2008

2005         Intersections: reading the space. Co-introduction and Artist Statement, Jewish Museum of Australia, 2005

2000         Revelation Apocalypse. Introduction by Dr. Michelle Brown, Curator of Illuminated Manuscripts, The

                  British Library, London, Texts: Anna Clabburn, Suzi Gablick, Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne 2000



 Production & Co Direction; Dr Irene Barberis; Co Director & Editor Dr Shaun Wilson. Cinematography: Andre Liew Moving Cultures, Keith R Winter, Across the Gulf.


2013: 10 Artists, Drawing Documentaries, UAL reciprocal ([TBC]S. Farthing/Irene Barberis)

2011/2013 New Series: Artists and Views. Gallery Langford120, The Global Centre for Drawing & Metaspace International Gallery Space, @ Langford120, Melbourne.

Tibet; Moving Cultures, Metaview, Metasenta Pty. Ltd® (2009/11) Photography Andre Liew, Edited by Dr Shaun Wilson, Produced by Dr Irene Barberis, Metasenta Pty. Ltd.

Across the Gulf, International Arc Biennale Brisbane 2009, Metaview, Metasenta Pty. Ltd® Photography Keith R Winter: Edited by Dr Shaun Wilson: Produced by Dr Irene Barberis, Metasenta Pty. Ltd.




2018        #Tapestry of Light, #Tapestry of Light Project Irene Barberis, # Canterbury Cathedral, # Brussels Cathedral, # Rome Art   

                 Program, # SACI Florence, New York. # Langford120,


2017/ 16/15 #Irene Barberis, #Tapestry of Light Project, #Bury Museum, #RMIT Irene Barberis,

2014        Revelation/Apocalypse VAC Bendigo/Latrobe University.

                  The Drawn Word

2013        Portraiture in Focus, , Review Studio International.

2012        The Apocalypse: Re Looking,, Studio International, UK. Papers, websites /reviews and articles


2011        The Age/reviews and articles (to be updated)

2010 for Metasenta Articles and web presence.


2008        RMIT University, 'Re-Imagining the Urban Habitus - a Project of the Art, Knowledge and Globalization

                  Cluster' in Art, 4 July 2008, accessed 24/07/2008,;ID=0i308yvpxkc7z.

                  RMIT University, Global Art Metasenta, Metasenta Hub, 4 July 2008, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Review, Fold-out Futures, Studio International, 26 June 2008, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Rolled Up/Rolled Out, Essay, School of Art Gallery, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  skin and peel, artist statement, 2006

                  City of Frankston, Light Pavers, Wells Street by Irene Barberis, Online Arts Directory, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Steven Ball, 'Rolled Up/Rolled Out', in Direct Objective blog, Monday 28 April 2008, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Richard Iacono, 'Rolled Up / Rolled Out', 28 April 2008, accessed 24/07/2008,


2007        Walpole, Helen, 'Living Elvis art exhibition' in Elvis Australia, August 17, 2007, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Dr Janet Mackenzie, 'Apocalypse in Pink: The Work of Irene Barberis', Studio International, 26 March 2007,

                  New York, London. USA, accessed 24/07/2008,

                  Documenta, Metronome No. 11 What is to be done? Tokyo, contributor, March 2007, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Godwin Bradbeer, Kevin Wilson. '20,000 Colours, Four Generations of Women', Metronome 10, What is to be   Done,

                  Documenta Magazines, Documenta 12, Kassel, Germany

                  Artrave, 'Powerfully hybrid', Artlink Vol 27 No 2, 2007

                  Felix Just, s.Jl, Ph.D., 'Some Books with collections of Apocalyptic Art' in Art, Images, Music and Materials related to the Book of

                  Revelation, Catholic Resources, accessed 24/07/2008,

                  Elizabeth M. Grierson, Imagining a Faculty of Navigations in the Academy of Radical Generosity as a future for art education,

                  RMIT University

        , Drawing 2007 - Biennial Fundraiser 2007, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Metronome Press, Documenta 12, Irene Barberis, Participant, 2006-2007, accessed 24/7/08,


2006        Dr Elizabeth Presa, breath light and skin, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris

                  Dr Irene Barberis; skin and peel, artist statement

                  RMIT University, 'Melbourne makes global art links' in Openline RMIT News, August 16 2006, accessed


                  RMIT University, 'Melbourne makes global art links' in Newsroom, RMIT University, August 11 2006,

                  accessed 24/07/2008,;ID=tw4mbyz89oku

                  Laughing Squid, 'A Three-Part Salon To Complement the Current Exhibition, Intersections: Reading the

                  Space', OSDir, January 2006, accessed 24/07/08,                           


                  Jeju Teddy Bear Museum, 'About TBM', 7 August 2006, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Project Space/Spare Room, Float, exhibition brochure, June 2006

                  DigiGlass Australasia, 'Ellipse Pivot Glass Sculpture, Frankston' in High Resolution Imaging brochure.

2005         Art Almanac, 'Victorian Tapestry Workshop: The Big Small Tapestry Show' Dec 05 / Jan 06 Issue, accessed


                  Contemporary Jewish Museum, 'Opening night celebration of Intersections: Reading the Space' in eNews,

                  November 2005, accessed 24/07/2008,

                  Contemporary Jewish Museum, 'Intersections: Reading the Space', Contemporary Jewish Museum of San

                  Francisco, accessed 24/07/2008,

                  Gruber, Sam, 'Intersections: Reading the Space, St Kilda Australia' in Museum and Gallery Exhibitions,

                  International Survey of Jewish Monuments, 7 June 2005, accessed 24/07/08,


                  Nelson, Robert, Readings in Religions, 25/5/2005, The Age, 25 May, Melbourne.

                  Light, Dr Helen, Changing headsets: the impact of museums on social thinking, lecture, Jewish Museum of                           

                  Australia, Melbourne, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  Cass, Naomi, 'In addition to the adults' in Artnotes, Art Monthly Australia, Issue 180, June 2005

                  Cass, Naomi, 'Intersections: reading the space: Christianity, Judaism, Islam' in Artnotes, Art Monthly                                       

                  Australia, Issue 179, May 2005

                  Smithsonian Institution Libraries, 'Intersections, reading the space: Christianity, Judaism and Islam: Irene                           

                  Barberis, Parastou Forouhar, Jane Logeman: an exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Australia April-June

                  2005, accessed 24/07/2008,!813109!0

                  Kohn, Rachael, 'Intersecting Art', interview with Parastou Forouhar, Irene Barberis and Jane Logemann, Spirit                       of

                  Things, ABC Radio National, 17 April 2005

                  Bantick, Christopher Women of faith unite, The Age, April 16, 2005

                  Dr Louiseann Zahara, grow – a set of verbs, catalogue essay, Melbourne

                  Council of Christians and Jews, Victoria, 'A Display of Difference', GESHER Journal 2005, retrieved


                  State of the Arts, 'Winning Artist for People's Choice Award announced' in News, State of the Arts, accessed

                  24/07/2008,, 03 March 2005

2004         Dr Christopher Heathcote, breath, crosses stars + circles, Noosa Regional Gallery, Queensland

                  Suffield Academy, Everyday, Red, 1991 by Irene Barberis, in 'Le Witt Gallery Opens in Centurion Hall',

                  Suffield Academy, 22 October 2004, accessed 24/07/2008,


                  'Precious Platters', Catalogue, Promotional material, Australia

                   My Sunshine Coast, 'Spiritual Festival' in Sunshine Coast Events, accessed 24/07/2008,


                   Brisbane and Noosa Regional and local Newspapers and Posters, Queensland

2003          Juliet Peers, 'Fashion Infiltrates the Galleries', Artlink Vol.22 # 4

                  Canberra Times, 'Art to Cling To'

                  Sonia Barron, 'Seductive, Creative and Potentially Toxic', Canberra Times, Monday, July 21

                  Wilma Tabacco, 'Seeing through the Material', Canberra, Melbourne, Paris, France

2002         Dr Christopher Heathcote, Breath: Catalogue Essays

                  Anna Clabburn, Plastique

                  Tam Wai Ping, Four Corners, Hong Kong

                  Robert Nelson, The Age 20.3.2002. 'Fashion Infiltrates the Arts, Fashion Sashays into Visual Arts'

                  Dr Annette Van der Bosch, 'Unveiling the Apocalypse - Irene Barberis', Art and Australia, Vol.40 No 1

2001         Presa Kevin, Imprint Magazine, 'Revelation/Apocalypse', Print Council of Australia.

                  Janet McKenzie, Studio International (e journal) forthcoming edition, United Kingdom

                  Dr Christopher Heathcote, Australian Encyclopaedia of Art, Bernard Smith, Terry Smith and C. Heathcote

                  C. Marshall, Interpreting Art For Secondary Schools, Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne.

                  Alison Barclay, 'Backyard Blitz', Herald Sun, April 25, 2001

2000         Interview: Arts Today, Radio National, 'The Apocalypse Interview' with Lyn Gallaghar, Irene Barberis and            Anna Clabburn

                  Catherine Lambert, 'The Revelation of Installation', Sunday Herald, July 16, 2000

                  Briony Rhodes, 'Death and Decoration', Art Monthly, 29.7.00. View Review

                  Anthony Lynch, 'Exhibition Proves a Revelation', Victoria University, Nexus, July, Melbourne

1999        David Cross, 'Saying it with Flowers', Like Magazine, Millennial Issue - Summer, 1999

                  Anna Clabburn, 'Saying it with Flowers', The Age, 17 February

                  Lara Ancilli, Interview, 'Saying it with Flowers', Irene Barberis and Wilma Tabacco, SBS Radio, Italian Language Program, June

                  28, Melbourne

                  O. Cameron, 'Double Acts Flower Power', Herald Sun, July 16 1999

                  Interview, Irene Barberis and Wilma Tabacco, 'Saying it with Flowers', City Park Community F.M. Radio, Launceston, Tasmania

                  April 10, 1999

                  Jo McIntyre, 'Saying it with Flowers', Tasmanian Examiner, April 17, 1999

                  Border Morning Mail, 'Saying it With Flowers', Albury.

                  M. Stevenson, 'Flowers Tell A Story', The Examiner, April 10, 1999

                  M. Stevenson, 'Duo has blooming lovely art symbols', The Examiner, April 10, 1999

                  'Exhibition Weaves a Rich Tapestry', Victoria University NexusVol.9 March 1999

                  Anthony Lynch, 'Gallery closes, vision remains', Connections, Victoria University, May 1999

                  Geoff La Gerche & David Thomas, We Are Australian, Catalogue

1998         Rebecca Lancashire, 'Creative Stocking Stuffers', The Age 1 12 1998

                  Edward Collis, Dr Sophia Errey, 'Saying it with Flowers', Catalogue Essays

                  Sue Goss, 'VUT opens new doors in the conduct of thesis research' The Age, 27 October

1997         Gallery Catalogue, John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize Exhibition, 1997

                  Kevin Wilson, 'Nature: traditional and Contemporary Visions', Cooloola Shire Public Gallery

                  Robin Usher, 'McCaughey Prize, Upbeat', The Age 2.12.1997

                  Rebecca Lancashire, 'Right Time for Bennett', The Age, 4.12.1997

                  Alison Barclay, '$30,000 water work', Herald Sun, 5.12.1997

                  Peter Timms, 'An Assortment of Bits and Pieces', The Age, 10.12.1997

                  'Gallery Prize to Gordon', Bendigo Advertiser, 13.12.1997

                  Cliff Burt, 'Prize Finds a Worthy Home', Herald Sun, 13.12.1997

                  Irene Barberis & Wilma Tabacco, Artist Statement, Victoria University Gallery,          Melbourne

                  Artist statement, Red Horse / Revealed Geometry catalogue,

                  Nexus, Victoria University newspaper; article/photo (two issues)

                  The Mail, The Brimbank Times, The Moonee Valley Gazette; article/photos

                  Exhibitions, Newsletter, Horsham Art Gallery, June 1997

1996         Jenny Zimmer, Exhibition Catalogue Interview, Charpentes

                  Justine Hill, 'Myth Analysed', The Warrnambool Standard, March 13, 1996

                  'The Wandering Jew - Myth and Metaphor', Shepparton Advisor, 1996-97

1995         Exhibition Catalogue, The Wandering Jew; Myth and Metaphor, Jewish Museum of Australia

                  Susie Ashkenazi, 'Artists Tackle myth of wandering Jew', Visual Arts, 24.11.95

                  NAVA, 'Who's Who of Australian Visual Arts, Reed International Books

1994         Allan McCulloch, revised by Susan McCulloch, Encyclopaedia of Australian Art, Allen and Unwin

                  Anna Clabburn, 'Faith: Irene Barberis', Storm Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1

                  Susan McCulloch, 'The Spiritual and the Mundane', Sun Herald, June 1996

                  Geoff Wallis, 'Unpeeled Art', Catalogue Essay

1993         John Neeson, Arrangement: Australian Still Life 1973-1993 Catalogue, Heide Park, Melbourne

                  Robert Rooney, 'Arrangement', The Australian, 1993

                  Christopher Heathcote, 'Arrangement', The Age, 1993

                  Susan McCulloch, Australian Artists Dictionary

                  James Harley, Installation Publication Vitae, A.I.P. No 7, Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial

1992         Cross, Elizabeth, 'These Women, Where Honours Due', Catalogue essay

1991         James Harley, 'Irene Barberis', Catalogue Essay, Luba Bilu Gallery, Melbourne

                  Elizabeth Cross, 'Freedom of Choice', Catalogue Essay. Heidi Park and Art Gallery

                  Richard Pennington, 'Freedom of Choice', Art and Australia. Summer 1991

                 Christopher Heathcote, 'Exhibition gives a sense of how modernists looked in original contexts', The Age, 24.4.91

1990        Rebecca Lancashire, 'Getting Recycling down to a fine Art', The Age, 20.11 90

1989        Rosemary Crumlin, 'A Remarkably Consistent Painter'. Unpublished Essay

                 'Gallery - Adrian Page and Irene Barberis,' Catalogue. Guangzhou, China

                 An Installation Publication, 'Between the Lines'.  A.I.P. No. 2, Melbourne

                 Robert Rooney, 'Recycled artwork should keep conservation department happy', The Weekend Australian, 8-9.12.90

1988        Rosemary Crumlin, Images of Religion in Australian Art, Bay Books, Australia

1987        Robert Lindsey, Young Australians Catalogue, National Gallery of Victoria

I986         Gary Catalano, 'Cluttered Realism Outshines the Transcendental Abstract', The Age, 17.9.86

                  'Ten Young Investment Artists', Financial Review, 1986

1985        Dawn Mendham, Refining Fire, Albatross Books, Australia 1985

1984        Janet McKenzie, Drawing in Australia - Contemporary Images and Ideas, Macmillan, Australia

1983        Elizabeth Cross, 'Figures and Faces Drawn from Life', Catalogue Essay, Heide Park and Gallery

1982        Catalogue, Preston to Phillip, Melbourne 1982

                  Catalogue, Cite Des Arts, Group Exhibition, Paris, France

1980        Jenepher Duncan, Melbourne / Monash Exchange Exhibitions, Catalogue, Melbourne

1979        Robert Rooney, 'Melbourne / Monash Exchange', The Australian, 1979

                  Cite Des Arts, Group Exhibition, Catalogue. Paris, France

                  Ron Radford, 'Still Life Still Lives', Catalogue Essay, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Sydney Opera House, NSW

                  William Kelly, Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship Exhibition, Catalogue, Victorian College of Arts, Melbourne

                  Mary Eagle, 'Irene Barberis', The Age, 1979

                  Notice: 'Watch', The Sun, 24.4.79

                  Allan McCulloch, 'Painters, Poets and Printmakers', The Herald, 3.5.79

                  Jeffrey Makin, 'Art Invitation gets a Rap', The Sun, 9.5.79

1978         Robert Lindsey, 'Selected Work from the Michelle Endowment', Catalogue Essay.

                  Lamia Doumato, Dictionary of Women Artists, New York, University of Colorado, 1978

1977         'Artist to Paint the Town', The Sun, 21.12 77

                  Paul Heimlich, 'Art Takes to the Streets with Teapots and Flowers', The Herald, 22.12.77

1977         Mary Eagle, 'Domestic Subjects are Back', The Age, 13.1.78

                  Janine Burke, 'Eight Women Realists' Catalogue Essay, Victorian College of the Arts, Coventry Gallery, Sydney, Museum of

                  Modern art, Queensland

                  William Kelly, Victorian College of the Arts Postgraduate Exhibition, Catalogue; Victorian College of the Arts

                  William Kelly, 'Keith and Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship', Victorian College of the Arts,


1976         Gary Catalano, 'Drawing Some Definitions', The Age, 1976.

                  Domenico De Clario, 'Drawing Some Definitions' Catalogue: George Paton Galleries, Melbourne University

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